How Many Jobs Are Available In Finance

The financial sector is one of the most lucrative industries. The financial sector is an incredibly competitive industry with a lot of high-paying jobs. There are many different types of jobs in finance. There is a high demand for these positions, which helps to explain why they’re such a popular career choice.

“This is most interesting and informative article aims at answering; how many jobs are available in finance. If you are interested in breaking into the world of finance, this article will help you understand; what it takes to be successful in this field.”

The article includes following topics:

  • How many jobs are available in finance
  • How many jobs are available in finance consumer services
  • Highest paying jobs in finance
  • What are some of the positions in finance?
  • What qualifications do you need to work in finance?
  • What are the 7 financial skills?
  • Best Jobs in Finance

The Finance Industry is one of the most competitive industries out there. It’s not easy to break into this field and find a job that pays well. There are many jobs available in Finance, and they vary from entry-level positions all the way up to CEO positions. The Finance Industry is growing, and there will be a need for more employees in future.

The finance industry is the backbone of any country’s economy. It is the place where money is made, traded, and invested. There are various opportunities in this field for people with different skill sets and interests.

In finance, there are many different positions available. The three main areas of financial jobs are investment banking, actuary, and portfolio management. Investment banking includes jobs as an investment banker, quantitative analyst, securities trader and financial planning. Actuaries work with insurance companies to make sure that they have enough money to pay out their customers’ claims if they come up.

Portfolio managers work on investing a company’s asset to increase the wealth of investors. Financial professionals work with clients to help them make better investment decisions. As such, many jobs in finance require advanced math and analytical skills.

How Many Jobs Are Available in Finance

Finance is a broad term that includes a lot of different jobs. Some of the most common ones are as follows:

1. Investment banker: This is an individual who helps companies to raise capital by issuing securities, such as stocks and bonds.

2. Actuary: This is an individual who estimates and manages risks for insurance companies and other businesses. They use math, statistics, finance, and economics to measure risk.

3. Portfolio manager: This is an individual who oversees the investment activities of a group of clients or invests money on behalf of clients in one or more financial markets.

4. Quantitative analyst: This is an individual who uses mathematical models for financial forecasting and analysis.

5. Securities trader: This is an individual who trades securities on behalf of their company and clientele to generate revenue.

6. Financial planner: This is an individual who helps people plan their finances by looking at short and long term goals.

Salaries in Finance Sector

The financial sector is highly competitive industry that offers a variety of different jobs and salaries. There are many factors that will affect the salary you earn in this sector, such as your experience, company size, and location. The average base salary for employees in the financial sector ranges from $63,163 to $101,848. This is a vast difference from what other industries offer.

There are many factors that contribute to this disparity in salaries experience and location of work. A senior investment banker can make up to $283,000 per year and an entry-level analyst can make about $42,000 per year.

Highest Paying Jobs in Finance

The financial sector is vast, with many different types of job positions. People think that the highest paying jobs in finance are in the top management, this is not true. The truth is that there are many different types of jobs in finance and they all have different salary ranges.

1. Hedge fund manager

2. Portfolio manager

3. Financial advisor

4. Wealth manager

5. Investment banker

6. Chief financial officer (CFO)

How Many Jobs Are Available in Finance

Economic Analyst

The investment banker is a person who advises or assists in the raising of funds for an organization. The investment banker is responsible for managing the financial aspects of a company’s investments and securities.

Investment bankers works in banks and financial institutions. Investment bankers enjoyes lucrative compensation packages that include base salary, bonus payouts and other incentives that can make their total earnings exceed $200,000 per year.

The average salary of an investment banker varies depending on the type of job they’re in and the organization they work for. An investment banker will earn between $101,848 and $283,000 annually.

Investment bankers are the people who handle a company’s finances. They advise companies on how to raise money, manage risk, and invest in projects.

Investment bankers work in a variety of industries including technology, healthcare, energy, media and telecommunications.

Investment bankers usually need a four-year degree in finance, economics or other quantitative field plus an MBA or master’s degree in finance.


The average actuary base salary is $99,341 (total pay is $59,000–$170,000). They work with a company’s management team to identify new business opportunities and monitor and analyze market trends.

Actuaries are in charge of raising capital for corporations, governments, and other institutions. They help these entities to sell stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Actuaries have a four-year degree in actuarial sciences, math, statistics, or a business-related field. They have to pass the Series 7 or Series 63 exam to as an investment banker.

Portfolio Manager

Portfolio managers are experts in managing and analysing investments. They use their knowledge of the financial markets, economics, and portfolio theory to manage the funds that investors have entrusted to them. To portfolio manager, you have a bachelor’s degree in finance and business with courses in finance and economics. You may need an MBA degree or CFA designation.

Portfolio managers can work for banks, brokerage firms, mutual fund companies or hedge funds. The average salary of a portfolio manager is $90,949. This is the total pay range, which is $58,000-$174,000.

A portfolio manager has to manage the investments in their portfolio. They are in charge of the stocks and bonds that they own and are responsible for making sure that all investments stay profitable.

A portfolio manager is a professional who manages the investment portfolios of a company, institution, or individual. Some companies require that the prospective employee has an applicable Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) license.

The portfolio manager is responsible for making decisions about where to invest money and how much money to invest in different types of investments. They require to keep track of their investments and balance sheets to report back on the progress of their work. They need to monitor market trends to make sure they are making wise investment choices at all times.

There are many different types of Portfolio Managers. Some manage assets for wealthy individuals or families with large investment portfolios. Others manage assets for institutional investors such as pension funds and endowments. These managers make decisions on how to invest money from these institutions in stocks, bonds, cash equivalents and other types of investments that are appropriate for their risk level and liquidity needs.

Quantitative Analyst

Quantitative analysts are responsible for the development and implementation of mathematical models to solve business problems. A quantitative analyst is a type of business analyst. They are responsible for the development and implementation of mathematical models to solve business problems. Quantitative analysts work in many different industries, such as finance, marketing, and healthcare.

To be successful in this position, it is important to have an understanding of statistics and mathematics. They need to be able to develop mathematical models that include forecasting, optimization, simulation, and data mining techniques.

Quantitative analysts are in charge of analysing and interpreting data to help make business decisions. They use mathematical, statistical, and computer-based methods to solve problems. The average base salary for a quantitative analyst is $85,914 with total pay ranging from $63,000-$153,000.

Quantitative analysts use their knowledge of mathematics and statistics to analyze data. They use the data to find patterns and solve problems. Quantitative analysts are in charge of the company’s data analytics.

The skills requirement for a quantitative analyst:

1. A Master’s or Ph.D. in a quantitative field such as math, statistics, finance, or economics

2. Strong computer skills

3. Excellent analytical skills

4. Strong mathematical skills

Securities Trader

The securities trader is an individual who trades securities on the financial markets. A securities trader may trade stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, options and other financial instruments.

The average salary for a securities trader ranges from $47,000 to $200,000 per year depending on their total pay package. Securities traders buy and sell securities such as stocks, bonds, options, and futures. They analyze financial data to make decisions about buying or selling based on the current market price.

The job is lucrative and competitive. The requirements for a securities trader are typically a four-year degree in finance or economics combined with an applicable FINRA license. The pay for traders varies depending on what type of firm they work for and what type of trading they do. Traders at large investment banks make millions per year and those working at small firms make $20k-$30k annually.

Financial Planner

Financial planners are responsible for advising clients on their financial situation and providing them with a plan to reach their financial goals. The goal of a financial planner is to make sure that the client is on the right track to meet his or her financial objectives.

The average base salary for a Financial Planner is $65,539 (total pay is $45,000–$118,000). This means that a Financial Planner can earn anywhere from $45,000 to $118,000 per year. Financial planners need a bachelor degree in finance or business administration and have pass exams set by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards (CFP Board).

Financial planners requireto have a bachelor’s degree in finance, business administration or a related field. If they want to advise people on investments, they need the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) certification. If they want to sell investments, they need an investment advisor license from FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority).

Some financial planners work for banks or insurance companies where they help customers with things such as mortgages and life insurance policies. Others work as independent financial planners and offer advice through seminars or one-on-one meetings with clients.

However, these profesionalls provide advice and guidance to people on how they can manage their finances, including investments, taxes, retirement planning, insurance coverage and estate planning.

Financial Analyst

Financial analysts work in the finance department of a company. They analyse the company’s financial data to help the company understand what their financial situation is, and make decisions about how to invest. Financial analysts are the professionals who help companies and investors make decisions about the future of their investments.

Furthermore, financial analysts typically work in a team setting with other financial professionals, such as portfolio managers, credit analysts, and research associates. They often develop and maintain models that estimate the likely financial performance of stocks or other securities. The average salary for an experienced financial analyst is $63,316 (total pay is $48,000–$88,000).

A typical day for a financial analyst might involve:

1. Meeting with managers to get an understanding of what they need

2. Looking at reports from different departments within the company

3. Analysing these reports and compiling them into a report for management

Financial analysts are responsible for compiling information and assessing the financial health of an organization. They use this information to help companies make decisions and plan for their future.

Financial analysts need to understand the financial health of a company to make accurate predictions about future trends. They have to be able to interpret different types of data, including balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, and other corporate reports.

The qualifications required for a position as a financial analyst vary depending on the company and industry. Some employers prefer candidates with a four-year degree in finance or a related field; others will accept candidates with an MBA or CFA certification, and some may even require an applicable FINRA license.

Financial analysts use a wide array of tools to research potential investments and offer opinions on them. They use these tools to find relevant information that they can use in their analyses. From stock market data to company reports, these tools help them make better decisions.


Economic Analyst

An economic analyst is a person who provides analysis about the economy, a market, or related topics. The job of an economic analyst splits into several different types of analysts. It is highly paying job in financial sector. The “macro” analyst analyses the economy as a whole and the “micro” analyst looks at specific industries.

Economic analysts should be able to use their knowledge of economics to understand how businesses operate and how they should operate to be successful on the market. Economic analysts use a variety of methods, including statistical analysis and mathematical modeling, to predict what will happen in the economy. They work for companies and governments and educational institutions or research groups.

An average economic analyst base salary is $63,179. The total pay for an average economic analyst is $42,000–$101,000. An economic analyst job can be a lucrative career with many opportunities for growth.

Furthermore, an economic analyst is a person with a degree in economics, statistics, or a related field. They are responsible for analysing and reporting on the economy. Their job is to provide insight into the economy and its performance on the basis of which, companies can make decisions based on their findings.

The role of an economic analyst is to analyse data from the market and present it in a way that’s easy for managers to understand. This includes writing reports about market trends and providing recommendations for how managers should respond to these trends.

Economic analysts are responsible for a wide range of tasks, includes:

1. Forecasting future trends in the economy;

2. Analyzing current trends, including the effects of market fluctuations;

3. Conducting research, and analyzing market movements and compiling statistical data;

4. Developing proposals for policy changes or business improvements.

How Many Jobs Are Available in Finance Consumer Services

Finance is a competitive industry, and it is important to know what type of career you want in financial sector. To choose a finance career, it is important to know the different careers in finance. There are many different types of careers in the finance industry. These jobs include three main categories: banking, investing, and trading.

This section will explain about how many jobs are available in finance consumer services. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the financial and business operations field will add nearly 80% of the new jobs created over the next decade. Let’s discuss in details about how many jobs are available in finance consumer services.

1. Accountants and Auditors

Accountants and auditors perform an important role in the financial world. They can help in many ways, from analysing the company’s financial performance to preparing its annual reports.

Accountants often perform financial analysis and prepare accounting documents for businesses and government agencies. An accountant or auditor is an individual who have skills in using accounting concepts, practices, information, skills, tools and techniques.

Tax accountants are professionals who help their clients to prepare tax documents and ensure them compliance with local, state, and federal tax regulations. Accountants prepare individual and business taxes for their clients.

Auditors perform an audit to make sure that a company or business is doing what it claims to be and that it has accurate, reliable, up-to-date financial records. Accountants review the company’s income statements, balance sheets, and all other legal documents to make sure their values are correct.

Accountants and auditors are a very important part of the finance division in any organization that conducts business. They ensure that the financial statements and documents for an entity such as company meet legal requirements and can be trusted.

The role of accountants, auditors and other financial analysts has evolved from the traditional role of gathering, processing, evaluating and presenting information related to assets, liabilities, equity, income or expenses as they relate to the entities in which they work.

2. Financial Manager/Controller

In the finance industry, financial managers work in many different areas and industries with their average salary starting at $153,460 and rising to $186,150. Financial managers are the key people who plan the financial performance of an organization from strategic planning to funding and budgeting. They oversee the management of all internal and external stakeholders such as government agencies, suppliers, investors and customers.

A finance manager reports to an executive such as president, CEO, and chairman. Financial managers provide regular reports to help executives make strategic decisions,. They manage day-to-day activities and oversight of key functions in their area of accounting, human resources, sales, marketing, and logistics.

3. Budget Analyst

The average salary for a Budget Analyst is $84,240 per year. The typical responsibilities of a budget analyst are to review the company’s budget and identify ways in which they can save money. A common job function of a budget analyst is to analyse budgets and make recommendations on saving money. They recommend that the company reduce non-necessary expenses such as unnecessary office supplies and reduce selling prices of products sold to customers.

Budget Analyst can work at various levels in a company. They could be experts in understanding the budget of the company and recommend ways to increase the profit. They could be in-house auditors or review managers that ensure that vendors and employees are meeting their obligations.

As a budget analyst, you start with a different perspective. You might be able to find ways for companies to reduce spending on areas such as advertising, marketing, or travel if they are not necessary for their business model.

4. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

A CFO is an individual who manages the financial operations or resources of a concern. The role of CRO describes as “chief financial accountability officer” (CFOA), “principal accounting officer” (PAO), or “chief financial officer” (CFO).

The average salary for the Chief Financial Officer is $213,020. The main responsibility of a CFO includes overseeing and prioritizing company finances, implementing cost-saving measures, and making corporate reports. This job requires managing complicated tasks in a highly centralized environment with multiple stakeholders to maintain good relationships with upper management and staff members at all levels of the company.

Skills requirement includes

1. Capital budgeting and controls, budgeting and cash management

2. Accounting: prepare financial statements, analyze accounting reports related to financial planning

The CFO provides strategic leadership in planning, budgeting, and controlling the company’s cash flow. As the CFO, the chief financial officer is responsible for planning for, monitoring and overseeing all business finances. He or she typically deals with operations, finance, accounting and other related activities.

Job requirement of CFO:

1. The CFO position requires a great deal of financial knowledge

2. They will be working closely with the CEO

3. Their work is heavily dependent on relationships with other in-house financial professionals

4. A successful candidate will have experience as a treasurer or executive assistant.

5. Financial Advisers

These profesionals offer advice on financial products, strategies, and investments. Advisors typically charge fees for their services and make money through commissions from what they sell to their clients.

The average annual salary of financial advisers is $119,960 that includes an average hourly wage of $57.56 and an average monthly salary of $3,876. They provide advice on how to maintain healthy spending habits.

6. Financial Software Developer

The financial software developer role involves assessing business requirements, analysing data, designing and developing software for a wide range of purposes. You need to have similar experience that includes knowledge in financial accounting and a working knowledge of C++ programming language.

Financial Software Developers are responsible for the design and development of software which includes the leadership of a development team. They lead by example, setting clear goals, building technical documentation, and enforcing deadlines to reach them.

Financial software developers have a variety of skillsets that require varying degrees of skill and aptitude. A financial software developer may be responsible for everything from designing software to evaluating test results or programming robots. Financial Software Developers are in high demand with an average salary at $120,990.

7. Financial Compliance Expert

Compliance in the US is a big deal. Compliance professionals need to be knowledgeable about the regulations.

These experts typically work in financial institutions or in consulting firms that help companies with financial regulations and compliance. These professionals make sure that they meet all the necessary requirements and requirements set by regulatory bodies such as banks and government agencies. The top-paying employers for compliance experts are banks, consulting firms, securities firms, law firms, auditors, etc.

Compliance experts work with corporations to comply with various regulations and laws in their respective fields to assure that they are protecting their company’s interests. They are responsible for identifying and understanding the various regulations and laws surrounding a specific area.

Compliance experts play an integral role in ensuring that corporations are operating within their legal limits and complying with federal, state, and industry regulations.

In additon to this a compliance expert’s responsibilities vary depending on the company they work for. The average salary of a compliance expert is $96,180 per year.

8. Venture Capitalist

Venture Capitalist is an individual who invests and manages the money of others, to help start-ups, grow or create opportunities for businesses. VCs earn a lot of money by taking the risk of investing in new and potentially lucrative business opportunities for their investors. It is very attractive and highly paying job in finance.

An average salary in this sector can vary depending on the specialization or background of a person. MNost people start out with an initial investment of $5 million to $50 million, with salaries usually around $200,000 per annum.

What qualifications do you need to work in finance?

If you are considering a career in finance, you have many choices to make. This is the type of job that requires lots of skills including an in-depth knowledge of finance, mathematical and data analysis and accounting. Along with these skills, there are certain qualifications that you need to get your foot in the door.

Finance is a very competitive field and requires a lot of qualifications to be able to work in it. This includes obtaining a bachelor’s degree in finance or business. With this degree, you can start working as an investment advisor and help companies make decisions about their investments. To work in finance, you need to have a relevant Master’s Degree and work experience.

The coursework covers various topics such as finance, economics, accounting, law, market analysis and more. A Master’s degree can lead to a variety of jobs in finance. These include portfolio management and investment banking.

Which skillset or skill sets do you need to be able to work in finance?

It is important that you have a background in finance nature of this market requires knowledge and understanding of different financial terms. A degree from an accredited school is require to start your career in financial sector. You need to be expert in accounting principles and terminology and understanding financial markets. A strong interest in money management is critical for individuals who want to work for big banks or investment firms.

After gaining these qualifications, it is important that you continue your education with more classes on topics such as investments or economics if you want to increase your chances of finding a job as quickly as possible within your desired field.

The skills that most jobs in financial services require are accounting qualifications and certifications.

1. Algebra

2. Financial modeling ( Excel and Gephi)

3. Accounts payable and receivable

4. Financial statement analysis

5. Cost accounting

6. General ledger

7. International financial reporting standards (IFRS)

8. Internal control system for measuring, monitoring, and evaluating risk

To succeed in today’s competitive marketplace, many managers are turning to analytics capabilities for insight into growing market trends and offering insights about customer behaviour.

What are the 7 financial skills?

  1. Interpersonal Skills
  2. Management Skills
  3. Communication Skills
  4. Strong Problem Solving Skills
  5. Analytics Capabilities
  6. Business Savvy
  7. Innovative Skills

Which job is best in finance?

This is an interesting question to ask which needs a specific answer. Depending on the person’s work preference, age group and the type of work that they such as to do best, one can choose to be a financial analyst, investor or financial advisor.

Financial analysts gather and analyse information about companies and industries to make investment decisions. This job involves mathematical modelling and data mining skillsets.

Furthermore, there are many different job options in finance. The most popular one is the investment banker. Investment bankers are in charge of brokering deals between businesses, large and small, and als act as a liaison between different groups of investors.

Furthermore, investment banking has emerged as a highly competitive industry with some organizations using technology to increase their chances of success.

Is Finance a Good Career in USA?

The U.S. economy has been steadily growing, so the outlook of a career in finance seems rosy on the surface. The finance industry is one of the most competitive and rewarding industries in the world, but it also has a high risk factor and low payback period.

The question is: Is Finance a Good Career in USA? Yes it is very excellent and attractive career.


There is a lot of demand in the financial sector. The industries that are requiring the most number of employees are banking and insurance, followed by consumer services, which includes retail and finance.

The global economy has grown significantly over the last several decades. This is leading to an increase in demand for workers in various sectors such as finance and insurance. Most of the time, people show interest in joining this competitive industry because of higher monetary compensation. However, it is important to know that a certain number of jobs are available in finance.

According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, there are around 3 million financial services employees in the United States who work in banks or other financial institutions. In addition, there are approximately 1 million employees that work for securities firms and investment services companies (investment bankers), 1 million employees in insurance companies and 500,000 employees that work for credit-related businesses. Tribunefox hope that you have got the answer of how many jobs are available in finance.

How many jobs are available in finance?

There are many jobs available in Finance, and they vary from entry-level positions all the way up to CEO positions.

How many jobs are available in finance consumer services

There are many jobs available in finance consumer services such as banker, accountant, and auditors.

What are the 7 financial skills?

1. Interpersonal Skills
2. Management Skills
3. Communication Skills
4. Strong Problem Solving Skills
5. Analytics Capabilities
6. Business Savvy
7. Innovative Skills

What qualifications do you need to work in finance?

Finance is a very competitive field and requires a lot of qualifications to be able to work in it. This includes obtaining a bachelor’s degree in finance or business.Further requires lots of skills including an in-depth knowledge of finance, mathematical and data analysis and accounting.